I just got this as a replacement for another brand that failed to work well even after 3 months of fighting it. This Bernette f42 was easy to use right out of the box. I spent a couple of hours trying different fabrics out, and it sewed smoothly and cleanly over all of them- from the stretchiest spandex to the thickest crepe. I tried out all 4 stitches, and it looked great on all of them. Then I set it up for the wide 2-needle coverstitch and hemmed a stretch satin bridal gown. LOVE IT. The lift-to-lower, drop-to-raise presser foot lever is a little weird, but it's livable. The looper threading is easy and the instructions diagrams were clear, although it did take me a couple of minutes to figure out the last step. The on-board tool storage is genius. And, lastly, the super bright light is Amazing! I can see what I'm doing!