If you're looking for a machine that can sew ANYTHING, layers and layers of it, this is the one you want. It sews a gorgeous straight stitch, no fuss, plenty of power, no birds nests. I thought for DECADES that I just couldn't master sewing on a machine and I was handsewing everything. I tried MANY different brands, but this JUKI absolutely knocked my socks off.HOWEVER, if you're a teddybear maker, you need to go ONE model higher to get the TL-18 because that one has the Micro Foot Adjuster which lets you sew layers of mohair fabrics without the fabric "walking".The JL-15 has EVERYTHING you need for quilting and bag-making-- and it would be THE machine for bear-making, except it doesn't have that Micro Foot Adjustment dial. If you're making bears, it's worth the extra investment up front to get the TL-18.World Weidner was the fulfiller on my Amazon order, and they ship lightning-fast. My machine was brand new, everything included as advertised. This machine is beyond impressive.